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Don’t Get Oil Changes Too Often In Philadelphia, PA

By September 10, 2018Auto Maintenance, Auto Service
oil change in Philadelphia, PA

If there’s one thing you know about your vehicle, it’s likely that it needs a Philadelphia, PA oil change at a certain interval. It used to be that people would try to come in every 3,000 miles to get the oil on their vehicles changed, but as technology changes, so do vehicle needs. While you may know the benefits of getting your oil changed when it is necessary, have you heard reasons not to change the oil too often? Here are a few to consider:  

Philadelphia, PA oil changeYou’re Wasting Money 

If there’s anything you can do to put more money into your budget without wasting anything, you’d like to do it, right? When you get your oil changed before it needs to be done, you’re wasting money. You have “oil to burn,” so to speak and getting the oil change done before you need it start burning new oil when you had old oil left to burn. No one wants to waste money on car maintenance unless it’s necessary.  

You’re Not Guaranteeing Anything 

Some drivers use oil changes as somewhat of a cheap insurance on their vehicles. If they change the oil often, nothing else will go wrong on the car, right? No, that’s not right at all. You can ensure that your oil is in good condition and that helps a number of things, including the engine, but it doesn’t ensure that everything is lined up perfectly all the time. All it really does is spend your money. Things might still break down later.  

Other Things Could Be “Found” 

Have you ever gone to a quick service oil change place only to learn that the mechanic thinks you also need new filters, new brakes, or any number of other things? Getting your oil changed too often won’t hurt your vehicle, but if you visit the wrong place, it could hurt your pocketbook even more with unnecessary fixes.  

If you really want to know how often you need an oil change, it is best to consult your owner’s manual. If you don’t want to look into anything car-related, ask a trusted mechanic for an estimate. Most vehicles are good today until about 5,000 miles. While you don’t want to get an oil change too soon, you also don’t want to go in too late. Finding the perfect balance spends your money in the appropriate way and gets the most out of the oil you have placed in your vehicle.   

Are you ready for an oil change? Do you need help finding a good balance on mileage between the oil changes? Contact the experts at Schafer’s Auto Center by calling (215) 755-1270 for an appointment. We’re here to help you get the oil changes you need—when you need them. We never tell you something needs to be done on your vehicle unless it is absolutely necessary. Visit us at 1924 S Columbus Blvd Philadelphia, PA 19148 for your next Philadelphia, PA oil change. 


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