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Winter Weather Driving Tips

By November 16, 2020Auto Repair
auto repair in Philadelphia

Whether you’re from the south and new to the area or you’ve just forgotten what winter is like in the midst of the summer and fall weather, it never hurts to get winter weather driving tips. The professionals in auto repair in Philadelphia, PA want you to be as safe as possible in your vehicle. That means adhering to certain rules, taking tips to heart, and making sure your vehicle itself is safe. Here are some tips for winter weather driving to keep you, everyone in your car, and the vehicles around you safe and sound.

Tip 1: Go Slow And Steady

Any time there is even anything questionable about the weather or the roads, take them slow and steady. Sometimes, it seems like people with four-wheel drive forget that the power behind their vehicle does them no good if they hit a patch of ice. Sure, they get through snow well without their wheels spinning, but hit ice at any speed and they’re off the road, just like any other vehicle. Whenever you see anything about the road that suggests winter weather, take things slower than you normally would. Better to get to your destination safe and a few minutes later than to end up off the road or in an accident.

Tip 2: Consider Winter Tires

Depending on what the tires are like on your vehicle, you might want to switch them out for winter tires. These tires have a special tread on them that works well on the snow and ice and keeps your car safer than it would be otherwise. Since this area usually gets plenty of each, winter tires are never a bad idea to at least look into.

Tip 3: Get Your Vehicle Serviced

You need to keep a regular maintenance schedule on your vehicle for its general well-being, but that’s even more important when winter arises. If there’s anything small wrong with your car, it can be fixed before it turns into something large and leaves you stranded at the side of the road in a snow storm. Plus, you want to make sure your brakes are in proper working order because you never know when you are going to need to make use of them to avoid something dangerous in the winter. Get regular oil changes, but have your vehicle looked over from top to bottom before winter as well.

Philadelphia, PA auto repair shop

Whenever you need any kind of auto repair in Philadelphia, PA, maintenance, tire advice, or anything in between, the professionals at Schafer’s Auto Center are here to help. We understand that driving in winter weather conditions can be very dangerous and we want to help you keep your car in the best possible shape to make it as safe as possible for everyone on the road. We’re here to help you with simple things, like oil changes. But we will also point out things that are close to needing work so you can plan ahead and stay safe on the roads all winter long.

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